Services and Policies

Apart from being a research and community empowerment institution, LITPAM also facilitates the publication of scientific books, journals, and proceedings. LITPAM has been registered as a publisher at the Indonesian National Library, listed on One Search Indonesia, and a member of the Indonesian Publishers Association (IKAPI).

LITPAM offers the service of publishing research and community service articles published in our journals that have been indexed both nationally and internationally. The demand for the quality of scientific publications by the academic community is the basis for providing professional manuscript editing services to assist partners in upgrading the quality of manuscripts that are ready to be published online and in print.

LITPAM is a publisher that connects research results and practice for practical use by the wider community. The LITPAM team consists of experienced personnel in conducting research, community service, scientific publications in journals, and book publishing, so that it will greatly assist partners in improving the quality of manuscripts that partners will publish. Partners can find this in the process of publishing books and scientific articles which are processed in the editorial system using a double-blind peer-review system. In addition, the LITPAM scientific journal is published with open access licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 to help maximize the distribution of partner manuscripts so that the indexation process on Google can be carried out quickly.